Prof. Gilney Damm
Gilney Damm
Gilney Damm is Senior Research Scientist (Directeur de Recherche) at Univ. Gustave Eiffel, at COSYS-IMSE Laboratory. Previously he was an Associate Professor at the Paris-Saclay University, CentraleSupelec, France.
He is an Electronic and Automatic Control Engineer from the Rio de Janeiro Federal University – Brazil, and PhD et HDR from CentraleSupelec - Paris-Saclay University. His research interests concern nonlinear and adaptive control applied to power systems (SmartGrids, SuperGrid, MicroGrids). His main applications are in the field of large-scale integration of renewable energy and electric vehicles; Multi-Terminal HVDC systems; Mixed AC/DC MicroGrids; Control of Power Systems and Power Electronics in high and low voltage, AC and DC.
He has a large experience as a coordinator or Work-Package Leader in several European and French research projects, particularly the Institutes for Energy Transition Vedecom (on dynamic inductive charging of electric vehicles), SuperGrid (on large-scale high voltage electrical grids), and Efficacity (on MicroGrids and SmartCities).
He has been a member of the IFAC Technical Committee TC 6.3 Power and Energy Systems since 2015. He has been an Associate Editor from the European Journal of Control since 2010 and Energies since 2020.