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EAMix 2024

UM6P-Benguerir, May 14, 15 & 16, 2024

International Conference on Energy in Africa, national, regional and local energy Mix

The International Conference on Energy in Africa, national, regional, and local energy mix (EAMix), is jointly organized by Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) in Benguerir and the Developing Countries Committee (COPED) of the French Academy of Sciences. The conference is supported by the Office chérifien des Phosphates (OCP), the Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Technology, and the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC), all of which have endorsed the objectives of this conference.


Participation grants

The COPED of the Academy of Sciences and the IRD (Institute of research for development)  support the participation of African students and young researchers by covering their travel expenses from their laboratory to the conference (through participation grants). These African researchers will be selected by a scientific committee based on their CV, the submitted abstracts, and their financial situation. Additionally, for all PhD and Post-Doc wishing to contribute to this event, registration and accommodation are free of charge.

About us

The International Conference on “Energy in Africa, national, regional and local energy Mix (EAMix)” addresses pivotal aspects of energy in Africa. It is intended as an opportunity to strengthen regional cooperation by bringing together Moroccan and African experts and researchers in the fields of energy to discuss African energy challenges and contribute to proposing solutions and approaches to stimulate and support the continent sustainable energy strategies. At the end of this conference, different actions and mechanisms will be identified and recommended to enhance access to different forms of energy in Africa. Moreover, the conference will serve as a platform to initiate new regional, national and international collaborations in research and technological development covering a diverse range of research area.

The main objectives of this conference:

  • Share acquired knowledge and recent technological innovations in the field of energy in Africa.
  • Identify the different actions and mechanisms implemented to improve access to different forms of energy in Africa.
  • Establish new collaborations in research and technological development in different contexts.
  • Build collaborative actions between Africans, international researchers and industrial actors in research and technological development.
  • Provide a platform for PhD students and young researchers to discuss and share their expertise.
  • Promote interactions between public and private actors.
  • Promoting knowledge dissemination through publications and collaborative communications.

Conference topics

Forum history

The Coped Mini-Forum took place in Paris on the 29th and 30th of November 2022. It brought together over 30 experts from Canada and 6 African countries (Morocco, Algeria, Togo, Ethiopia, Ghana) alongside their French counterparts. Following this meeting, it was agreed to delve deeper into discussions regarding energy in its various forms within Africa. Morocco, supported by all the participating countries of the Mini-Forum, has volunteered to host an international conference on African energy in Benguerir, open to national and international stakeholders.

Important Dates

1 December 2023

Call for Paper


1 May 2024

Payment Due Date


10 April 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline


14-16 May 2024

Conference Date


15 April 2024

Acceptance Notification Deadline


16 May 2024

Visit of 1337 School, Green Energy Park, and Experimental Farm


Organizing institutions

The International Conference on Energy in Africa, national, regional and local energy Mixes (EAMix) is organized conjointly by Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Benguerir and the Developing countries Committee (Coped) of the French Sciences Academy, with the support of the Office chérifien des Phosphates (OCP), Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Technology and  Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) have endorsed the objectives of this Forum.

The French Academy of Sciences is actively engaged in various scientific exchanges and collaborative programs with countries in North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. These activities were initiated in 1996, on the occasion of the international academic summit (New Delhi – 1994,1995), and after the constitution of IAP, the world network of academies of sciences. A special committee, Committee for Developing Countries – COPED (or Developing Countries’ Committee) has been created within the Delegation for International Relations of the Academy with the aim of promoting scientific partnership with African countries. Link:

The department Chemical & Biochemical Sciences, Green Process Engineering (CBS) is a Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) component. The main objective of CBS is to set up an original research-teaching program, of international level, to meet the challenges of UM6P in terms of research and teaching in particularaly in chemistry and green processes with an environmental and sustainable impact. CBS is interested in all chemical, biochemical, and green process engineering aspects. Research at CBS is organized around several major areas, which aim to answer relevant industrial questions, to implement nationally adaptable solutions to support the Moroccan industry and economy and its independence. The CBS projects aim to understand in depth the molecular mechanisms of all transformations to propose new alternatives in terms of efficiency, environmental impact and sustainability.



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